
❤❤❤歡迎光臨 Double Cream 的交換日記!❤❤❤

呢個Blog係兩個80後港女開嘅! 我地係最平凡嘅OL, 最鍾意時裝, 化妝品, 甜品, 最enjoy 去旅行, 整野食同八八卦卦。

我地兩個平時都會分享生活上嘅開心同咕噥野俾對方, 突然有日, 我地諗: 點解我地唔同其他同我地差唔多嘅靚女一齊share埋呢? 咁我地就可以結合我地嘅集體智慧, 互相撐住啦! 所以你都要同的地share 呀!

時裝, 化妝品, 餐廳, 食譜, 旅行...... 所有我地鐘意嘅野!


❤❤❤Welcome to Double Cream Sharing Blog!❤❤❤

❤Who are we?
This blog is created by two 80's ladies from Hong Kong! Both of us are ordinary OLss who love fashion, cosmetics, desserts, and enjoy traveling, cooking, gossiping.

❤Why do we create this blog?
Two of us always share with both happiness and murmur with each other. One day, we suddenly came up with an idea: why don't we share with other similar ladies as well? We wish to support each other with our 'collective wisdom'. Do share your view with us!

❤What are we going to share?
You will see fashion, cosmetics, food, traveling and whatever we fancy :p



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